committed to re-presenting Christ on earth, re-storing the brokenness of humanity, re-pairing the breach between heaven and earth, and re-establishing His holy nation and Kingdom rule.
Driven by a passion to awaken Christ within every person —the hope of glory— we seek to call forth the Kingdom of God that resides within each of us.
We are a community of faith, hope, and love, choosing to lay down our lives so that the world might see the greatest display of Christ, encounter the goodness of God, and turn toward Him as the true source of life.
Our journey is about helping people realize that earthly sources cannot define their true identity. Only God, our heavenly Father, can. We believe we are part of a divine family that calls each one of us home to uncover our authentic identity, separate from what the world says. We exist to reveal the true character of God; not just an image of Him but His likeness, inviting others to understand their own nature made in His image.
Through trials and the dark night of the soul, we are being perfected in His love, striving to become one with Him, as Jesus prayed in John 17. We believe the purpose of ministry is to bring unity in faith—one God, one family, one heart, and one mind. Our mission is to display God’s true nature to the world, showing Him as our family and our source of belonging.